The Truth Culture

John Pradeep Vincent
4 min readSep 11, 2020


Every company want’s a good work culture, they look for help outside, but very few people look inside.

You cannot pick a culture from a catalog and decide to use it, a specific culture emerges out of a specific type of people.

For example, spotify model emerged out of a bunch of people at spotify, can it be copied by everyone? yes to some degree, but will it be the same culture?
not sure? checkout the the ship of thesus paradox.

Before embarking on a journey to improve the work culture in your organisation, you need a honest realisation of what’s the problem you are trying to solve.

Every organisation wants to copy ideas and sometimes even values from others, for example when twitter decided to swap some of the terms used by engineers with a more inclusive words, a lot of organisations felt it’s a great idea and adopted it.

But the problem I see with this “copy culture” is same as the problem with pain killers, yes pain killers do help to get a temporary relief, but it doesn’t cure the desease.

Instead of focusing on culture, focus on the Truth!

In every moment in life, there are 2 ways.

The way of the Truth and the way of the Ego.

Ego is illusion, Where there is Ego there cannot be Truth!

Inorder for you to see the truth, you need to slay the ego.

I am 100% confident that only a few individuals will really understand the relationship between Truth and Ego.

The real reason behind toxic work culture is the Ego!

The real reason why you have unhappy employees is Ego!

Adopting methodologies and practices will make the problem worse because the real problem goes unaddressed.

for example, i recently was part of a workshop where they were talking about how to make the company more inclusive & gender neutral. What was the solution? Hire more women, be cautious about your language, respect people’s privacy etc etc. Just pain killers!

What’s happening? the Ego is finding clever ways to fool your awareness by shifting your focus to everything external to itself.

Do you think making these adjustments help? well, do painkillers cure desease? No!

One needs to look inside oneself for the answers, not outside!

As long as there is Ego running in auto-pilot mode, you cannot have a healthy work place or a healthy society.

When one understands his Ego/mind, when one knows with every cell in his body that he is not his ego, that’s the beginning of the Truth and the end of Ego

When one realises his true self and the Truth, he doesnt work for promotions, he doesn’t “try” to be inclusive, he doesn’t “try” anything. Because the true self within each one of us is already pure, it’s indifferent to everything, it neither includes nor excludes, it only surrenders to the truth.

You don’t need workshops, social events and team building activities to bring a good workculture, you don’t need motivational speakers (again pain killers) to bring good work culture.

In fact, motivational speakers feed your ego and help it to grow, make you more competitive and give you all the tools to run the rat race.

a truely selfless person performs his best performance without expecting anything in return, he neighter does his action for a promotion nor for a pay rise, nor for validation from his colleuges.

A human cannot be changed by methodologies.

A human cannot be changed by practices.

A human cannot be changed by goals, habits, workshops, retreats.

A human doesn’t have to change, he only have to know himself by killing his ego.

As long as a human is identifying himself with his mind, there cannot be any change.

The only change that can occur to a human is the realisation that he is not his mind!

When that happens, he will see the games the mind plays around him, how filthy it is and how distrubing it is to see the society feeding the illusion of the mind more and more with vanity ideas, self help programs and fake ideologies.

Death of the ego is the only beginning of Truth!

Where there is Truth, there is freedom, love, inclusion, art and performance.

Know the Truth and the Truth will set you free. ~ Jesus

The bible says “Learn from the lillies of the field & the birds of the air”, is it because they are smarter? No, it’s purely because they live and blossom to the fullest — they neither compete nor desire, they neither have envy nor hatred, they live in truth, they live to their fullest potential in peace!

The only thing worth pursuing in life is to develop a deep desire to seek the Truth, which I call the Truth Culture.

Few characteristics of Truth Culture

Problems are solved objectively.

Truth is kept above oneself.

Contradictory opinions are embraced.

Finding solutions is important, not who finds it.

All meetings are to find the truth, not to compete.

Everyone speaks out their minds, honestly.

No hierarchies.

No commandments.

Invisible Leaders.

Work becomes Art.

Dispassionate colleagues.

Passionate devotees of Truth.

High Transparency.

Every body is heard, not just the loudest.

Employees become Humans.

Only Truth Remains.



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